Congregational Care

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Congregational Care at Christ UMC is for members, friends and guests. We seek to follow Christ’s example of care and compassion.

We believe prayer is the foundation of Congregational Care.

If you have a prayer request, we ask you to consider one or more of the following options: Prayer by the pastors, the Prayer Chain, and/or prayers listed in the Fresh Spirit, our e-newsletter. You may submit a prayer request by clicking on the button here. You may also call or email the church office.

The Prayer Chain consists of members who pray for all for whom they receive requests. The request is given by passing along the first name of the person(s) needing prayer. This preserves confidentiality.

Want a visit in the hospital?

Please note that you need to contact us or have a family member or friend contact us to tell us that you are in the hospital and want a visit. We do not have access to the names of members who are hospitalized. If you are in one of the Mayo Clinic hospitals you may be asked to indicate your willingness to have your name put on a list to which we have access during business hours. However, If you don’t hear from us, please call.

Those in town for medical care & Church MEmbers

Pastors and Parish Ministers are available to provide spiritual support such as prayer, communion, anointing and holy listening. Please contact the church office to request a contact.

Want to talk to a pastor?

Please contact the office to make an appointment with one of the pastors

Have a Pastoral Emergency?

Please call the office during business hours, 9 am-3pm and then dial 0 for immediate assistance. After hours and on weekends call (507)289-4019 for the Pastor on call.

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Want to serve in Congregational Care?

Training is provided for the following Ministry Teams:

  • The Prayer Chain passes along the name of the person(s) requesting prayer until all members of the chain receive the request. They pray daily for them.

  • Lay Visitors: call on homebound members once a month or more to provide fellowship and spiritual support. Currently no in person visits are being conducted. Training is provided.

  • Parish Ministers call on members and friends of Christ UMC facing a major life challenge such as job loss, divorce, addiction, serious illness, death of a loved one. They receive extensive training and meet once a month with Pastor Nancy. Currently in person visits are not conducted.

  • Flower Ministry Team: Connect with Homebound and Bereaved Members regarding their wishes for a plant from the sanctuary following Easter and Christmas. They deliver the plants to them.

  • Knit One, Pray Two Connect Group is the Prayer Shawl Ministry Team. They meet virtually to knit and crochet prayer shawls for distribution by the Pastors and Parish Ministers to members of our church, guests and community members.

  • Bus Ministry: If you need or would like a ride to church, call the church office each week by Friday at noon. (507)289-4019

  • Memorials and Living Gifts Committee oversees thanking those who give memorials and living gifts to CUMC as well as approves funding requests for undesignated gifts. They also keep records of the memorials and living gifts given to CUMC

    Please contact Dr. Peggy Johnson by emailing for more information on any of the above