Social Justice

Christ UMC is dedicated to making a difference in our community. We strive for social justice through all our works. That being said, we acknowledge social justice is a complex issue, and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. We hope you can utilize some of the resources below to help understand the best ways in which we are able to share the radical love of Jesus in all aspects of life. Click on the photos to explore each topic, and if you think of a resource that is helpful, don’t hesitate to let us know!


Rochester Racial Justice Toolkit

The Toolkit is a compilation of articles, guides, news, videos, social media, and other tools from several online sources on racial justice and Black Lives Matter activism. The site is a work in progress with ongoing updates and contributions to each section. The Toolkit is an online social justice resource rooted in a commitment to radical love and service to the Rochester, MN community.  


“First Do No Harm” A Toolkit for Conversations

Minnesota Methodists is an organization committed to creating the inclusive church God intends us to be. They seek to undo the harm caused by exclusion and discrimination through systemic forms of oppression against all marginalized people both inside the church and in our greater society. They recommit to working for the full inclusion of all people.

Click HERE for an easy to follow discussion guide when facing challenging LGBTQIA+ discussions.